May 20 call-in meeting summary

Nine members called in to join in fraternal prayer, discussion and sharing. After an exchange of news about our members, we discussed the calling of Bernard of Quintavalle, the first to heed the call to join St. Francis, and where we are in our life in heeding this call. The chapter also addressed a process by which we respond to calls to social justice – seeing with contemplation, affective response, practical help, and sustained assistance – and how we respond along this continuum.

We then discussed Article 14 of our Rule, which deals – appropriately – with our actions to build a more fraternal and evangelical world, how to bring the kingdom of God closer, how to perform our duties and exercise our responsibilities more effectively in a spirit of service to our fellow men and women. We each shared an example of how we are doing this or might improve doing so, using our talents and skills to further God’s kingdom in the here and now.