Meeting summary for Sep 2020

We had a great meeting today, Sep 20, with 12 members attending by Zoom.

We had a great half-hour pre-meeting social time, which started at 1pm. Members were able to catch up on news about each other, what happened during the summer, plans for fall, and more. One even ate lunch during this period, just as we did during social time at in-person meetings. A lovely get-together!

The book discussion was quite informative. Members shared a good deal about how St. Francis saw creation, how God granted him this divine insight, how we can seek this kind of vision, and more. Thank you to Brenda for leading this.

The discussion of Article 17 of our Rule went very well also. Many members witnessed and shared about how the family represents Christ and the Church, how we witness within our family about being a Secular Franciscan, how we support pro-life efforts from conception to natural death, and more.

We closed the meeting praying the Evening Prayer from Week 1 of the Psalter as well as our Fraternity Meeting Closing Prayer. Thank you to those who took parts in this.