News 2012

News – 2012

This is part of an archive of news about the fraternity.

  • 13-Dec-2012 – Member Patricia Ferguson passed away on Dec 6 (see obituary). Her funeral was held on Dec 15 at at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Delmar, MD. Pat was professed 1988.
  • 19-Nov-2012 – At our meeting, in an expected moment of collective thanksgiving, each member expressed one or two things for which he or she was thankful. What wonderful stories we shared with one another! Ryan, the seminarian we support, gave a talk about Our Lady of Guadalupe; see his handout.
  • deceased member Adele Spellerberg
    deceased member Adele Spellerberg

    26-Oct-2012 (updated Oct 28) – Member Adele Spellerberg passed away (see obituary). The viewing was Thursday, Nov 1, at Collins Funeral Home, and the funeral was at St. Patrick’s Church in Rockville on Friday, Nov 2. Adele was professed in 1939 and was a faithful and holy member, who attended our meetings and prayed with us until illness prevented a more involved role. We will all miss her and her example. (Note: Her late husband, Frank (d. 1988), was Minister of our fraternity in the late 1970s.)

  • 22-Oct-2012 – Useful links has been updated.
  • 21-Oct-2012 – Rejoice; a new Franciscan Saint is in our midst: Mother Marianne Cope! Praise God! View a great short video on Mother Marianne! Enjoy and be inspired! The Holy Father canonized seven people this day: Kateri Tekakwitha, Maria del Carmen, Pedro Calungsod, Jacques Berthieu, Giovanni Battista Piamarta, Mother Marianne Cope, and Anna Shaeffer.
  • deceased member Winston Williams
    deceased member Winston Williams

    13-Oct-2012 – Member Winston Williams passed away. The viewing will be held at the Franciscan Monastery on Tuesday, Oct 23 at 10:00am, followed by a funeral Mass at 11:00. Winston was professed in 2011 and was an inspiration to us all, a peaceful and courageous man, full of faith and honor. We will all miss him.

  • 16-Sep-2012 – Great news! Two of our members, currently in formation, are engaged to be married to one another. Watch this space for details.
  • 16-Sep-2012 – Fr. Kevin, our Spiritual Assistant, spoke to members about the promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience, which we all are called to live out in our daily lives.
  • 10-Aug-2012 – Uploaded and added Forming one’s conscience for voting to links page.
  • 6-Aug-2012 – Make plans to attend the Regional Retreat, to be held in Priestfield, WV, this Oct 5-7. See calendar page for more information, or download the registration form.
  • 15-Jul-2012 – Fr. Kevin, our Spiritual Assistant, gave an illuminating talk on the story of St. Francis opening the Gospel three times to discern what he was called to do. Anna shared a story of how she obtained a first class relic of St. Henry and how her prayers were answered.
  • 20-May-2012 – Vicky Spalding gave a PowerPoint presentation on Meditation and Contemplation. Axelle and Hugues were accepted into the Inquiry phase of formation; welcome to you both!
  • 22-Apr-2012 – At the fraternity meeting Vicky gave a presentation on healing. After the meeting members celebrated Mass together in the main church, which was presided at by Fr. Bill Foley and Fr. Jim Stack, both of whom have the gift of healing. After the Mass the two priests held a Healing Service.
  • 18-Mar-2012 – Fr. Kevin gave a great talk on the sacrament of Marriage, adding his usual humor and wit. Thank you, Fr. Kevin. Also, best wishes to him on his journey to Cairo, Egypt, where he will celebrate Easter.
  • 19-Feb-2012 – Vicky Spalding gave a powerful Powerpoint presentation on the sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • 15-Jan-2012 – Vicky Spalding gave a powerful Powerpoint presentation on the Eucharist and differences between Catholic faith and the beliefs of other Christian faiths.