News 2013

News – 2013

This is part of an archive of news about the fraternity.

  • 17-Nov-2013 – Congratulations to Patrick, Kady, and Oyoua, who today professed into the Secular Franciscan Order and became full members of the fraternity. The Lord has blessed us with the new members, all energized and full of life. Go forward to live the Gospel!
  • 20-Oct-2013 – Vice-Minister Bill Richardson shared the experience of his a retreat in Priestfield, spoke of the spiritual gifts we each have, and reminded members of the “Year of Faith“, which is coming to a close. There was much discussion and sharing of faith among members.
  • 20-Sep-2013 – Since not all members have subscribed to our email list, there will now be an outreach by telephone so they get the latest messages from our Minister. Contact us if you want to be included in this outreach.
  • 15-Sep-2013 – Minister Corky Hart spoke to members about peace, both in a large sense of the world and as personal peace. Members shared their experiences of Franciscan peace, and Fr. Kevin gave a description of conditions in the Holy Land for the friars who live there.
  • 19-Aug-2013 – Minister Corky Hart gave a presentation about the Holy Face of Jesus, the Shroud of Turin, and the Veil of Manoppello and their astonishing history.
  • 23-Jul-2013 – Retreat registration open! The St. Margaret of Cortona Region is holding a retreat this Oct 11-13 in Priestfield, WV. See the registration form for additional details.
  • 21-Jul-2013 – Minister Corky Hart gave an inspiring and energized talk about ways in which we can – and should! – make known our beliefs in the public arena in a respectful manner. She also gave members brief instruction on how to pray the Divine Office each day. The meeting closed with everyone joining in Evening Prayer.
  • 23-May-2013 – Members contributed several bags of non-perishables, which were delivered to the Missionaries of Charity. Thank you, for your thoughtful outreach!
  • 21-Apr-2013 – Our new Minister Corky Hart gave an inspiring – and inspired – talk about evangelization. Our seminarian, Ryan, spoke to us about his ministry and his progress toward his vocation as a priest.
  • new Council 2013 elections17-Mar-2013 – At the triannual local fraternity elections new Council members were elected. Congratulations to Corky Hart, our new Minister; Bill Richardson, our new Vice Minister; Helene Hogen, our new Secretary; Brenda Nutt, our new Treasurer; and Larry Bleau, our new Formation Director. A generous thank-you to our outgoing Council for all their service: Vicky Spalding (Minister), Chris Cropper (Vice Minister), Larry Bleau (Secretary), Virginia Lyons (Treasurer), John Hewitt (Formation Director), and Corky Hart (Acting Formation Director). Thanks also to DC Metro Area Regional Councillor Laura Hansen-Rainey, who conducted the elections.
  • 14-Mar-2013 – Fr. Jeremy Herrington, O.F.M., gives a radio interview to NPR about our new Pope.
  • Pope Francis13-Mar-2013 – Habemus Papa! We have a new Pope! Pray to Our Lord for Him to bless and help His Holiness, Pope Francis.
  • 20-Jan-2013 – Elections were postponed until March, and DC Metro Area Regional Councillor Laura Hansen-Rainey gave an inspirational talk on Servant Leadership.
  • 12-Jan-2013 – Mary Thuman, former Regional Minister for St. Margaret of Cortona Region, passed away on December 10, 2012 (see obituary).