Meeting summary for Mar 2021

Members had a very good meeting this month. We first discussed Chapter 2 of Pope Francis’s encyclical Fratelli Tutti. In that chapter he wrote extensively about the parable of the Good Samaritan. We shared our perspectives of this parable, how we have been in each of the roles in our lives, how we responded, and how we have grown. The sharing was impressive.

We then discussed Article 22 of our Rule, which deals with fraternity life and the fraternity as a community of love. We shared the qualities that make us such a loving community and how we all value each other.

This article also covered the connection between the local fraternity and higher councils. While some members knew of this before, others were excited at the way in which such connections strengthen the various levels of the Order.

After we prayed Evening Prayer together, we discussed how the Divine Office changes during Lent and Advent, where to locate the readings, and the web sites and apps available to allow one to pray the divine office from home on the web (this will be added to the links section of our web site).

Thank you to all who participated this month. For those who were unable to do so, or whose Chimes arrived late, we pray for you, wish you the best, and hope you can join us next month.