September Reflection

This is an exciting time of year to be a Franciscan. In September, we have the Season of Creation, celebrated throughout our church, in which we take time to give special thought to the glorious creation into which our good God has placed us. How are we showing our love and care for our fellow creatures? How are we simplifying our material needs, as our Rule calls for, to have a gentler impact on this beautiful earth? Pope Francis has called on all Catholics to do this, but due to our father St. Francis’ amazing kinship with creation, we Franciscans have a special calling in this regard.

Very precious to us as Franciscans are the feasts from mid-September into early October, which commemorate events that crowned the life of St. Francis. There is September 17, the day on 1224 on which Francis received the Stigmata on Mt. La Verna, the first person to do so since Christ himself. Then on October 3 we remember Francis’ Transitus from this life to the next in 1226, followed by his feast on October 4. The commemoration of the Transitus, in which we read the narrative of Francis’ passing, is one of my favorite occasions of the year; it is an intimate occasion unique to Franciscans. And many parishes have on October 4 a blessing of animals, remembering how Francis loved them.

Last week I was blessed to have a conversation with Br. Greg Cellini of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn NY. He spoke to me about his dream of having October designated as “Franciscan Month,” just as many other movements and causes have a special month and using the month to tell people all about Franciscanism. “We have an amazing charism, and we should be telling lots more people about it!” Br. Greg said. Amen to that. Let us all go into this special season with hearts so full of gratitude and enthusiasm for our Franciscan vocation that they overflow in joyful witness to others.