October reflection – Relationships

On the feastday of our founder, St. Francis, Pope Francis released his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, named after the opening words of St. Francis’ Admonition 6 (“Let us all, brothers, …”) but addressed by the Holy Father to the entire world.  It is a “social encyclical” in that it deals with society and its relationships. 

When I searched for something that would distinguish Franciscan spirituality from other spiritualities, relationships came to mind.  We are in a fraternity in which we are related to one another by our profession and the way we live our lives; we relate to others in our community in that we are called to have an influence there, to show our faith by example and deed; we related to the stranger among us, be he Christian or not, in that each and every person is made in the image of our heavenly Father, thus making us all brothers.  God contains within Himself a relationship to Himself in what has been revealed to us as the Trinity.  He gave us Jesus in human form so He could relate to in His humanity as well as His divinity.

Prayer for the Month

Heavenly Father, we thank You unceasingly for Your gift to mankind, for when you created us in Your image, You made us Your adopted sons and daughters.  You sent the Apostles, and us, into the world to bring Your love and salvation to all.  In our life’s journey, grant us, we pray, the grace and insight to see You in everyone we meet, the wisdom and prudence to know how to help them, and the fortitude and courage to take action without counting the cost.  We ask this of You through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.