Meeting Summary for Nov 2020

We had a small but lively group in attendance at today’s meeting. We discussed Article 19 of our Rule, which has three different aspects: bearer of peace, bringers of perfect joy, and Sister Death.

Members shared that a bearer of peace should be forgiving, patient, loving, inviting, prayerful; be able to deescalate, give a kind word, redirect; in short, to be a peacemaker.

Being joy to others transforms us into better beings. So does cultivating inner joy through prayer, letting go of a hurtful experience, praying so we truly experience joy, talking to others, helping others, smiling and affirming others.

On the matter of Sister Death, who will eventually visit each of us, we should accept suffering, of which there are many types, as Christ did; renew our prayer to Holy Spirit for perfect joy; avoid feelings of bitterness or resentment; forgive; be thankful each day; and do so for love. Instead of asking “Why?” we should ask “What am I to learn?” and “Where is God taking me?”

Death is the ultimate suffering, a step necessary to union with God in the next life. We give up “small deaths,” things we could have done, and advance step by step towards God, and in the final step meet God. Without Our Lord’s resurrection our faith is for naught. So it is that our hope is attained and we reach complete, perfect joy upon meeting our Creator.

Thus the flow of this article, though not initially apparent, starts with peace, moves to joy, and ends with a peaceful, joyful death.

We closed the meeting with Office for the Dead and remembered our fraternity members who passed this year.

Peace to you, and enjoy this Thanksgiving.