December Reflection – This Is the Time

This is the time. A time of great joy and anticipation: Advent, waiting for our Lord to appear. Scripture has foretold it, nature anticipates it, and the poorest among those in Bethlehem become the richest for their having participated in it.

This is the time. A time of watching for the Lord, being aware not only of His coming, but of our own becoming: becoming more like Him, as He wants us to be, and becoming more caring of our friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and yes, even enemies.

This is the time. A time of rejoicing in the Lord, for He has fulfilled the promises of ages: to be present to us and among us. The taking on of human form by Jesus is the most precious gift He gives to us, for He is now Emmanuel – God With Us – and in that form takes on our human joys, pains, temptations, trials, sufferings, deaths, and, upon His own Death, our sins and those of all mankind for all eternity.

This is the time. A time to rejoice, give praise, and give thanks. Rejoice in Him Who Came, praise for His gifts to the world, and thanks for those He has given us to walk with Him on the road.

May He walk with each of you this Advent, Christmas, and your entire life.