News 2016

News – 2016

This is part of an archive of news about the fraternity.

  • profession class 2016
    profession class 2016

    20-Nov-2016 –With great joy the fraternity witnessed the profession of new members Michele Dunne, Wendy Enderson and Frank Klem. After a three year course of learning about St. Francis, Franciscan spirituality, and the Secular Franciscn Order they made their public commitment. Congratulations to all!

  • Br Lawrence Bode (d)
    Br Lawrence Bode (d)

    25-Sep-2016 –
    Today Friar Lawrence Bode, OFM, passed away about 1am in the morning in Bethlehem after 46 years of faithful service to the Custody of the Holy Land. The Guardian of the Monastery, Fr. Larry, offered the noon Mass for him.
    Br. Lawrence always had a smile, a great (if dry) sense of humor, has worked tirelessly in Bethlehem for many years, and has made the Milk Grotto a regular stop on pilgrimages there; see his YouTube video, as well as an obituary (scroll down for English translation). Please keep Br. Lawrence in your prayers.

  • 18-Sep-2016 – The fraternity had its regular Fraternal Visitation. Bob Longo, of the St. Margaret of Cortona Region‘s Executive Council, met with Council and fraternity members. Fr. Jim Gardiner, SA, spoke to fraternity members about ways in which they can assist the Monastery and the friars.
  • 16-Sep-2016 – Odette Nicolas, mother of member Fritz Nicolas, passed away a week ago. Her funeral was today. Please keep her and Fritz in your prayers.
  • 21-Aug-2016 – Larry Bleau was elected Vice Minister to fill an unexpected vacancy, and Adele Lewis was chosen as the replacement Formation Director. Adele also gave her first report as chair of the fraternity’s new JPIC committee (Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation). Members then broke into groups to discuss various aspects of the fraternity.
  • 17-Jul-2016 – Minister J. Patrick Enderson reviewed with members the new committee structure, after which members discussed in small groups ways to improve the fraternity’s ministries.
  • 19-Jun-2016 – There was no fraternity meeting this month so members could celebrate Fathers Day with their families.
  • 15-May-2016 – After opening prayers, the fraternity took the extraordinary step of not holding its regular meeting: instead, we attended the Franciscan Monastery’s Spring Fling luncheon. By doing so, the fraternity and its members provided financial and moral support to our hosts.
  • 17-Apr-2016 – The new Minister, J. Patrick Enderson, introduced the new Council members, then led members in an energetic discussion of future directions the fraternity could take.
  • Tom Bellow, OFS (d)
    Tom Bellow, OFS (d)

    30-Mar-2016 – Deacon Tom Bello, OFS, former Region Minister and National Minister of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States, embraced Sister Death on Mar 29 around 5:00 pm. Tom’s wife, Judy, said he entered eternal life very peacefully, and she again thanked us for all the joy we brought to Tom by our love and prayers. Tom had been battling cancer for several years. The funeral is Saturday, April 2 at St. James Church in Falls Church, Virginia. See obituary for more details.

  • newly elected Council 2016
    newly elected Council 2016

    20-Mar-2016 – At the triannual local fraternity elections new Council members were elected. Congratulations to our new Council, shown left to right: J. Patrick Enderson, our new Minister; Chris Cropper, our new Vice Minister; Bill Richardson, our new Secretary; Gerda Biglin, our new Treasurer; and Larry Bleau, who was reelected Formation Director. A generous thank-you to our outgoing Council for all their service: Corky Hart (Minister), Bill Richardson (Vice Minister), Helene Hogan (Secretary), Brenda Nutt (Treasurer) and, Larry Bleau (Formation Director). Thanks also to DC Metro Area Regional Councillor Bob Longo, who conducted the elections.

  • 21-Feb-2016 – There were two great presentations this month: one on Lectio Divina, a Catholic method pf prayer and meditation; and one on the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Thank you to Vicky and Mary Jo for inspiring and timely talks!
  • 17-Feb-2016 – A supplement to the Feb Chimes with Articles from the General Consitutions as they pertain to the Fraternity Council and their duties is now available.
  • 15-Feb-2016 – The February edition of Up To Now is now available. Back editions are available at the Region’s web site.