Joseph: Most Just, Most Pure

Saint Joseph’s qualities are manifold, almost too many to mention, which is why his litany is so long.  The two I’d like to reflect on this month are just and pure.

The title Most Just given to Joseph is a superlative.  To be just is to be fair, moral, proper, reasonable, and many more things.  Joseph was more than fair when he responded to the angel’s message and married Mary; he was moral in maintaining his faithfulness to her and the Son born of her; he protected them, taking prudent action to avoid danger; and provided for their well being, thinking little of himself.  Of the just people in the Bible, Joseph was perhaps the most so.  If we think of the things Joseph did, and consider those for whom his actions – Mary and Jesus – we realize why the superlative is warranted; indeed, why he is to be emulated.

The title Most Pure is also apropos for Joseph.  He treated Mary with the utmost respect and tenderness, abstained from having relations with her before or after Jesus’ birth, and remained chaste, being faithful to her for his entire life.  He was the human role model for Jesus, and as such surely Joseph had a powerful positive effect on Jesus.  Apart from original sin, Joseph was, to our knowledge, sinless as well.  His heart was always for Our Lord and His Mother.  He put trust in God and set aside personal desires, content to give himself totally to caring for these two special people that had been entrusted to his care. St. Joseph, we ask that you intercede with Our Lord and obtain for us the grace to be just in how we interact with our fellow men and women, and to be pure of heart, mind and soul, so that when we meet You face to face, You will welcome us into Your eternal home with the greeting: Well done, good and faithful servant.